Landscaping Services

Fairlington Towne Condominium is responsible for maintaining all Common Area landscaping maintenance in the community. This includes all turf, trees, shrubs, mulch beds and other grounds immediately in front and surrounding the entire community. The only exception to this maintenance is the enclosed backyards each individual unit contains. Backyard landscaping and maintenance is solely the responsibility of the homeowner. All other landscaping is the responsibility of the Association.
Landscaping Maintenance is Provided by the Association
The Association hires a contractor to provide landscaping maintenance for the community. They provide various services for the community on a routine or scheduled basis at various times throughout the year:
  • Mowing, every 7-10 days between April and October
  • Edging, every other mowing between April and October
  • Pre-emergent weed control
  • Turf fertilization
  • Spring clean-up
  • Spring mulching
  • Tree pruning, once during the dormant season
  • Shrub pruning, three times a year during the growing season
  • Weed removal from mulch beds
  • Leaf removal, once in October, November, and December
Flower Beds
Residents may add flowers or plants to existing beds in the front and side of a unit providing the existing borders are not extended. Any shrubs or plants added should be similar in height and growth pattern to existing beds. No borders or fences are permitted around flower beds and no lawn ornaments, i.e. bird feeders, bird baths, statuary, benches, etc., are permitted on the common elements.
The backyards of units are "limited common elements." As such, homeowners have exclusive rights to use that area. All unit owners and tenants must maintain the limited common elements behind their units. Grass must be trimmed and weeds kept to a minimum. If grass and weeds become out of control, the Management Agent will contract for the clean-up or corrective action and charge the expense of that clean-up to the unit owner. Unit owners are also responsible for watering shrubs and trees on their limited common area.
Landscaping Requests
There are times that residents of the community may have requests for personal landscaping needs. Some of the common types of requests that residents may ask for are:
  • Tree/shrub pruning
  • Turf restoration
  • Tree/shrub removal
  • Ivy removal
If a resident has any requests for landscaping related services those requests should be made through the Resident Portal. These requests will be initially viewed by FirstService Residential to provide insight on the next steps. Some requests are addressed through routine and normal landscaping maintenance, while others will need to be reviewed by the Landscaping Committee, and others may be addressed when larger landscaping projects are addressed for the community rather than on an individual basis.