Design Guidelines Committee

The Design Guidelines Committee is an ad-hoc committee comprised of Members of the community who volunteer to create a new set of Design Guidelines that would be considered appropriate for community members to follow when it comes to architectural modifications. Their goal is to help provide guidance to community members on what modifications are and are not permitted in the community. A Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary are appointed by the existing members of the committee. Their charter can be viewed here.
Committee Members Position Term Ends
Anne Farrar TBD 2026
Idalia Garcia TBD 2026
Katherine Hickey TBD 2026
Emily Guarino TBD 2026
Emily Henze TBD 2026
Jeffrey Clark TBD 2026

Design Guideline Committee meetings will be announced to the community in advance and posted on this website. At this time, all meetings are held virtually. Notices are sent out to Members via email in advance to allow Members the opportunity to attend these meetings. Members are provided the opportunity to address the committee during open forum which occurs at the beginning of each meeting.